Dear Parents, Caregivers and Families
Kia ora, kia orana, talofa, malo e lelei, fakaalofa atu, hello and greetings
From the Principal
Well folks here we go again- back to school at Level 2. I am sure that many of you will remember what that means, but just in case you don’t here are the “rules”
Parent information – Covid 19 – Level 2 – Health and Safety plan
- Parents MUST keep sick students at home
- ANY student showing ANY signs of sickness will be sent home
- Physical distancing of 2 metres is recommended for parents and caregivers, from people they don’t know
- The school office will be one in and one out for Level 2. There will be a cross on the step for waiting
- Parents are only allowed on the front hard court area in front of the office, or in the office. Please respect this requirement – we do not want any parents in classrooms or gathering in the school other than the front hard court. Use the front court as a goodbye and gathering point.There will be cones to indicate where you can be
- If you need to pick your child(ren) up early you must go to the office and sign them out. Vicki or a teacher aide will then collect your child and bring them to you Many thanks for your continued support of your children and Tomarata School
Monday the 31st was going to be a teacher only day. However the organisers of the PD for the teachers have cancelled it so it will be our first day back again. Please note that the school reports will now go out on Friday 4th September, and the Parent/teacher interview day will now be Monday 7 September. Please check the time that you had booked for your interview. If this is no longer a good time for the Monday please change it on the Interview site.
I have been in contact with the bus company to see if our students will be required to wear masks. I will let you know once I do. Buses will not run on the 7th.
As you can imagine with all these changes in Covid levels it has greatly impacted on our school events timetable. Kirsten Forno-Watson is trying to update it but as you can imagine all dates will be TBC depending on what happens over the next few weeks. VERY frustrating for us all. Many events have been cancelled and some have been shifted. Some will carry on, but restricted to no parents attending because of the gathering restrictions. We will try our best to inform you asap regarding netball/touch, speech competitions etc.
Until then keep safe and see you all again on Monday x
Key Dates for this Term

Hi Cherylene- Thanks for the update. Tricky times! I may have missed something but don’t appear to have the link / codes for booking interviews…did these go out before lockdown?
Hi Nicola
Sorry yes they did. Please go to and the code is u7fy8 . Cher