Dear Parents, Caregivers and Families
Kia ora, kia orana, talofa, malo e lelei, fakaalofa atu, hello and greetings
From the Principal
SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPEALODOCIOUS!!! We are baaack! Here’s hoping the next four weeks go smoothly so that we can enjoy the holidays as holidays.
As you can imagine the rest of the term is pretty jam packed with lots of activities that have been pushed further out. Unfortunately some have had to be cancelled as well, especially those involving large groups. We are trying to keep the date notices as accurate as possible but they are often changing day to day so please bear with us.
Our pool changing sheds are just about completed which is fantastic news. That means we will be able to get swimming in next term. The concrete paths were poured yesterday and we have doors and windows. Our next project is the resurfacing of the courts with Tiger Turf. The Board and I decided to go with some vibrant colours, and we have rotated the courts, so it should look great. This will hopefully be under way and finished in the next holiday break. Our chicken coop is nearly ready for feathered friends bar fixing in place the water trough and the feeders. Any donations of pellets or bedding over the rest of the year would be appreciated.
I was impressed with the examples of work that were completed over this short Level 3 episode. We have had short novels finished; a story sent to be put to music and some amazing problem solving. Thank you for your co-operation families and whanau. A short survey will be sent out soon regarding the online work, what was effective and what wasn’t, so in the future if we go into lock-down again ( arghhh) we get things right. Please take the time to fill it in when it gets to you as your voice matters. Thanks also for following the requirements for Level 2.5. It makes life much easier for everyone if we are all on the same page.
Our PB4L focus for this week is on entering and exiting a classroom in the appropriate way. This fits in with our value of respect, especially with learning to wait to talk to someone , instead of butting in or talking over a conversation. This is a skill that some pre-teens especially can find difficult. Having the same expectations at home would be very helpful. Our Year 8’s are entering the time of the year when the reality of going to College in a few months is starting to sink in. This can affect students in many ways, as often they are more anxious than you realise. So look for changes in behaviour- they can present as tears; contrariness; arguments or even silence. It is quite normal, so talking through their fears, anxieties and questions would be beneficial. The open day for Rodney College is this Friday which should be an interesting experience for them
Room 7 is working diligently on organising bake sales and sausage sizzles to raise money for their end of year camp. They will be also running their usual stalls at Show Day. We appreciate your support in either baking, cooking or providing cash for this fund raising to happen. I am crossing everything that camp will still go ahead. This is also an event that many schools have had to unfortunately cancel due to Covid-19
This Friday you will be receiving your child’s report to advise you on their curriculum levels. We were extremely lucky to get our testing literally just completed before Level 3 hit us again. 2020 will be a year where education will have been hugely impacted, and in some cases this has greatly affected student’s progress and achievement. Look carefully at what your child’s teacher has written, and make sure you discuss any issues or concerns you may have next Monday. This is our Parent/teacher interview day, and is the perfect opportunity to discuss academic levels. However bear in mind that the actual amount of time physically in class for “normal” teaching has been reduced dramatically. School will NOT be open for teaching on Monday, and no buses will be running.
I want to leave you with a reminder of what the first line of our vision says. WELCOME TO TOMARATA SCHOOL- WE ARE GOING TO NOTICE YOU AND YOUR STRENGTHS AND VALUE YOUR MISTAKES, EFFORT AND PROGRESS. Do you notice what your children’s strengths and passions are? What really floats their boat? Do you praise and encourage when they fall over, or make a mistake . Will you do the same when you read their report- well done for…. how can I help you to achieve… Next term we are going to look at the strengths and passions of our students, and use the time to do programmes that value and support those strengths. We may come knocking on your door if you have something you can share like knitting or woodwork or technology or karate! We want to end this weird and wonderful year on a high note full of fun and promise for a better 2021
Have a great week and weekend! And don’t forget to spoil dad on Sunday..
Key Dates for this Term