Dear Parents, Caregivers and Families
Kia ora, kia orana, talofa, malo e lelei, fakaalofa atu, hello and greetings
From the Principal
HUNGERBALL IS SO COOL MRS NEELS! That was the response that I got today from students enjoying our second experience of Hungerball. The children were wildly excited, and one child even said no to the chance to watch a giant chipper in action to get his turn. This is something that we are considering purchasing for our school. We have been very lucky that the Hungerball Company have offered a set up for us to use till the end of the term. We were always considering a caged soccer design, but Hungerball enables up to 18 students to be playing at the same time. We will let you know what we decide as the funding is coming from our Fireworks Day last year. Soooo….watch this space.
To keep the smile on my dial I have had the privilege to see some great work this week. Levi Gray from Room 5 shared his fantastic retelling of a Maori legend, and Ran Ryan from Room 3 celebrated his Literacy successes with me. It is so confirming to see how our students are growing through learning from mistakes and applied effort. Well done boys!
Besides the return visit of the Hungerball Arena, we have had some feathery friends arrive to live in our awesome chicken coop. Chicken Nugget and Dora the Explorer have moved in, and seem very happy. They engage in loud conversations with the children, and are so happy they are even producing eggs! If you would like eggs we are selling a dozen for $6.oo. The money raised will go towards purchasing chicken food. They are having a marvellous time digging through the mulch in the orchard. We have some chicken lovers among our children, and the smile on Annabelle Tanner’s face just made my day. A rooster from Mrs Neels chicken coop will be joining the girls soon, so we will have rooster song. Mr Neels is VERY happy!
Our delayed Daffodil Day was held last Friday. It was a showcase for our students in showing respect and working together with the yellow outfits worn , and the money raised. Even students who hadn’t worn yellow donated money. The Cancer Society ,for the first time ever ,was not able to be on the streets selling their daffodils this year. However our students still wanted to donate to this worthy cause. Mrs McCormick shared her memories of a past student who sadly lost his life to leukaemia at the age of 10- Scotty. His life is remembered and celebrated in our memorial garden. It was a fitting reminder to us all that Cancer is not choosy and can affect any family member at any time. I am so proud of our students and teachers for their contribution.
Birthdays this week were celebrated by Tayla Elliott and Eddie Cammel. I hope you had brilliant birthdays guys!
Our PB4L focus this week was being able to ask for help. This is often a challenge for some children, whether in the classroom or in the playground. The conversations that you as parents could have with your children are around how important it is to ask for help when you need it, and that it is a sign of strength, not weakness. We cannot help if we don’t know your child needs it, so it is okay to ask. Brave people ask for help!
I could not believe that after all our fine days, we had rain on the day of our first whole school cross country. We waited and waited before postponing, and of course Murphy’s Law it fined up. SERIOUSLY!!! We will be definitely running it come rain or shine next week, so if you could pack some dry clothes just in case that would be very helpful.
Our Board of Trustees are meeting next week on Wednesday night at 7pm. Any community members are welcome to attend, until there are any In-Committee discussions where the public are excluded. If you would like to meet the Board, or see what happens ,you are very welcome to attend. We are still operating under Level 2.5 restrictions however, so please bear that in mind for this meeting.
Well that’s it for now folks. Sorry for the late posting, but life has been a bit crazy this week. Till next time…be safe and be happy.
Key Dates for this Term