Room 4 and Room 5 had a very informative and interesting visit to Tiritiri Matangi on Friday.    We had to leave school early to get to Gulf Harbour by 9.30 am.  The ferry trip was quick but we had time to eat some morning tea before arriving.  The ranger based on the island welcomed us and gave us a briefing on expectations while we were visiting.  We knew to have clean shoes and litter free lunch boxes so the animals and plants on the island could be protected.  Each group was assigned a volunteer guide and then we were off to investigate the bird life.  We saw lots of interesting birds including kokako, keruru, kakariki, tieke, takahe and the hihi.  We also saw a wetapunga which was very special because they are not common and not often seen.  Our guides were great and they told us lots of interesting things about the island.  It was an awesome trip.  Many thanks to Tirirtiri Matangi guides and the Growing Minds trust for making it possible.  Thanks also to our parents who accompanied us.