Milestone Art
This term we our art medium has been material so we have used a variety of different materials to show an important event in our lives. We chose our hessian and the materials that would [...]
This term we our art medium has been material so we have used a variety of different materials to show an important event in our lives. We chose our hessian and the materials that would [...]
This term we are using material media for our art project. This involves us sewing onto hessian materials like ribbon, buttons and material. We have chosen a milestone to illustrate. This is the first time [...]
This term our topic study is milestones and celebrations. We have been reading about the Baha'i faith and have learnt Baha'is have their own nineteen month calendar but each month has only 19 days. So, [...]
Our calendar art this year was based on our study of Australia. We chose a unique Australian animal to feature in the art which used sharpie pens, potato prints, and collage materials.
We had another successful Show Day on Friday. A great number of animals, scarecrows and gardens were on show, demonstrating the work that the students have put into their exhibits and animals. There were the [...]
Room 5 represented Australia in the whole school production. They selected a song from a list of songs that could tell us something about the country and then learnt the words and actions to present [...]
Thanks to Mr Thomas we have been able to raise quite a bit of money for our end of year camps and trip. He purchased and delivered a large quantity of kumaras for us to [...]
We were entertained by Steve's guitar students at our last assembly. It was great to see the progress made as most of the students have been learning just this year. The rest of the school [...]
In Japan, the Tanabata or Star Festival is celebrated on the 7th day of the 7th month. During Tanabata, people write their wishes on strips on paper and hang them on bamboo trees along with [...]